Source code for lasio.writer

import logging
import textwrap

import numpy as np

from copy import deepcopy

from .las_items import HeaderItem, CurveItem, SectionItems, OrderedDict
from . import defaults
from . import exceptions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def write( las, file_object, version=None, wrap=None, STRT=None, STOP=None, STEP=None, fmt="%.5f", column_fmt=None, len_numeric_field=None, lhs_spacer=" ", spacer=" ", data_width=79, header_width=60, ): """Write a LAS files. Arguments: las (:class:`lasio.LASFile`) file_object (file-like object open for writing): output version (float or None): version of written file, either 1.2 or 2. If this is None, ``las.version.VERS.value`` will be used. wrap (bool or None): whether to wrap the output data section. If this is None, ``las.version.WRAP.value`` will be used. STRT (float or None): value to use as STRT (note the data will not be clipped). If this is None, the data value in the first column, first row will be used. STOP (float or None): value to use as STOP (note the data will not be clipped). If this is None, the data value in the first column, last row will be used. STEP (float or None): value to use as STEP (note the data will not be resampled and/or interpolated). If this is None, the STEP will be estimated from the first two rows of the first column. fmt (str): Python string formatting operator for numeric data to be used. column_fmt (dict or None): use this to set a different format string for specific columns from the data ndarray. E.g. to use ``'%.3f'`` for the depth column and ``'%.2f'`` for all the other columns, you would use ``fmt='%.2f', column_fmt={0: '%.3f'}``. len_numeric_field (int): width of each numeric field column (must be greater than than all the formatted numeric values in the file). If it is None, the maximum necessary value will be used automatically (i.e. all columns will have the same width). If it is -1, then the columns will not have consistent widths. You can combine -1 with the *fmt* keyword argument to control column widths closely. data_width (79): width of data field in characters lhs_spacer (str): string which goes on left hand side of data section - by default it is `" "`. spacer (str): string which goes between each column of the data section Creating an output file is not the only side-effect of this function. It will also modify the STRT, STOP and STEP HeaderItems so that they correctly reflect the ~Data section's units and the actual first, last, and interval values. However, passing a version to this write() function only changes the version of the object written to. Example: las.write(myfile, version=2). Lasio's internal-las-object version will remain separate and defined by las.version.VERS.value You should avoid calling this function directly - instead use the :meth:`lasio.LASFile.write` method. """ if column_fmt is None: column_fmt = {} if wrap is None: wrap = las.version["WRAP"] == "YES" elif wrap is True: las.version["WRAP"] = HeaderItem( "WRAP", "", "YES", "Multiple lines per depth step" ) elif wrap is False: las.version["WRAP"] = HeaderItem("WRAP", "", "NO", "One line per depth step") lines = [] version_section_to_write = deepcopy(las.version) assert version in (1.2, 2, None) if version is None: version = las.version["VERS"].value if version == 1.2: version_section_to_write.VERS = HeaderItem( "VERS", "", 1.2, "CWLS LOG ASCII STANDARD - VERSION 1.2" ) elif version == 2: version_section_to_write.VERS = HeaderItem( "VERS", "", 2.0, "CWLS log ASCII Standard -VERSION 2.0" ) if STRT is None: STRT = las.index[0] if STOP is None: STOP = las.index[-1] if STEP is None: # prevents an error being thrown in the case of only a single sample being written if STOP != STRT: raw_step = las.index[1] - las.index[0] STEP = fmt % raw_step las.well["STRT"].value = STRT las.well["STOP"].value = STOP las.well["STEP"].value = STEP # Check units if las.curves[0].unit: unit = las.curves[0].unit else: unit = las.well["STRT"].unit las.well["STRT"].unit = unit las.well["STOP"].unit = unit las.well["STEP"].unit = unit las.curves[0].unit = unit # Write each section. # get_formatter_function ( ** get_section_widths ) # ~Version logger.debug("LASFile.write Version section, Version: %s" % (version)) lines.append("~Version ".ljust(header_width, "-")) order_func = get_section_order_function("Version", version) section_widths = get_section_widths( "Version", version_section_to_write, version, order_func ) for header_item in version_section_to_write.values(): mnemonic = header_item.original_mnemonic # logger.debug('LASFile.write ' + str(header_item)) order = order_func(mnemonic) # logger.debug('LASFile.write order = %s' % (order, )) logger.debug( "LASFile.write %s order=%s section_widths=%s" % (header_item, order, section_widths) ) formatter_func = get_formatter_function(order, **section_widths) line = formatter_func(header_item) lines.append(line) # ~Well logger.debug("LASFile.write Well section") lines.append("~Well ".ljust(header_width, "-")) order_func = get_section_order_function("Well", version) section_widths = get_section_widths("Well", las.well, version, order_func) # logger.debug('LASFile.write well section_widths=%s' % section_widths) for header_item in las.well.values(): header_item.value = standardize_value(header_item.value, header_item.unit) mnemonic = header_item.original_mnemonic order = order_func(mnemonic) logger.debug( "LASFile.write %s order=%s section_widths=%s" % (header_item, order, section_widths) ) formatter_func = get_formatter_function(order, **section_widths) line = formatter_func(header_item) lines.append(line) # ~Curves logger.debug("LASFile.write Curves section") lines.append("~Curve Information ".ljust(header_width, "-")) order_func = get_section_order_function("Curves", version) section_widths = get_section_widths("Curves", las.curves, version, order_func) for header_item in las.curves: mnemonic = header_item.original_mnemonic order = order_func(mnemonic) formatter_func = get_formatter_function(order, **section_widths) line = formatter_func(header_item) lines.append(line) # ~Params logger.debug("LASFile.write Params section") lines.append("~Params ".ljust(header_width, "-")) order_func = get_section_order_function("Parameter", version) section_widths = get_section_widths("Parameter", las.params, version, order_func) for header_item in las.params.values(): header_item.value = standardize_value(header_item.value, header_item.unit) mnemonic = header_item.original_mnemonic order = order_func(mnemonic) formatter_func = get_formatter_function(order, **section_widths) line = formatter_func(header_item) lines.append(line) # ~Other logger.debug("LASFile.write Other section") lines.append("~Other ".ljust(header_width, "-")) lines += las.other.splitlines() logger.debug("LASFile.write ASCII section") lines.append("~ASCII ".ljust(header_width, "-")) file_object.write("\n".join(lines)) file_object.write("\n") line_counter = len(lines) # data_arr = np.column_stack([ for c in las.curves]) data_arr = nrows, ncols = data_arr.shape logger.debug("Data section shape: {}".format((nrows, ncols))) logger.debug("len_numeric_field = {}".format(len_numeric_field)) if len_numeric_field is None: logger.debug("Calculating len_numeric_field. fmt = {}".format(fmt)) len_numeric_field = 10 test_fmt = fmt % np.pi while len(test_fmt) > (len_numeric_field - 1): logger.debug("test_fmt = {}".format(test_fmt)) len_numeric_field += 1 def format_data_section_line(n, fmt, l=len_numeric_field, spacing_chars=" "): try: if np.isnan(n): value = str(las.well["NULL"].value) else: value = fmt % n except TypeError: value = str(n) if l != -1: result = value.rjust(l) else: result = value return spacing_chars + result twrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=data_width) for i in range(nrows): logger.debug("Writing data array row {} of {}".format(i + 1, nrows)) depth_slice = "" for j in range(ncols): col_fmt = fmt if j in column_fmt: col_fmt = column_fmt[j] if j == 0: left_spacing = lhs_spacer else: left_spacing = spacer depth_slice += format_data_section_line( data_arr[i, j], col_fmt, spacing_chars=left_spacing ) if wrap: lines = twrapper.wrap(depth_slice) logger.debug( "LASFile.write Wrapped %d lines out of %s" % (len(lines), depth_slice) ) else: lines = [depth_slice] for line in lines: if version_section_to_write.VERS == 1.2 and len(line) > 255: logger.warning( "[v1.2] line #{} has {} chars (>256)".format( line_counter + 1, len(line) ) ) file_object.write(line + "\n") line_counter += 1
def standardize_value(value, unit=None): """Ensure that 0 is written instead of 'None' for numeric header lines. Args: value (anything): object to be written into the value field of the LAS header line. unit (str): unit for header line. Returns: either 0 (integer) or a string. If an internal representation of a metadata mnemonic has a unit indicator and a value of zero, an empty string, or None, then on lasio.write(...) the value written should be 0 for the value field instead of "None" or "". """ # value != 0 prevents overwriting a 0.0 value with 0. if (unit) and (not value) and (value != 0): value = 0 if value is None: value = "" return value
[docs]def get_formatter_function(order, left_width=None, middle_width=None): """Create function to format a LAS header item for output. Arguments: order: format of item, either 'descr:value' or 'value:descr' Keyword Arguments: left_width (int): number of characters to the left hand side of the first period middle_width (int): total number of characters minus 1 between the first period from the left and the first colon from the left. Returns: A function which takes a header item (e.g. :class:`lasio.HeaderItem`) as its single argument and which in turn returns a string which is the correctly formatted LAS header line. """ if left_width is None: left_width = 10 if middle_width is None: middle_width = 40 mnemonic_func = lambda mnemonic: mnemonic.ljust(left_width) middle_func = lambda unit, right_hand_item: ( unit + " " * (middle_width - len(str(unit)) - len(right_hand_item)) + right_hand_item ) if order == "descr:value": return lambda item: "%s.%s : %s" % ( mnemonic_func(item.original_mnemonic), middle_func(str(item.unit), str(item.descr)), item.value, ) elif order == "value:descr": return lambda item: "%s.%s : %s" % ( mnemonic_func(item.original_mnemonic), middle_func(str(item.unit), str(item.value)), item.descr, )
[docs]def get_section_order_function( section, version, order_definitions=defaults.ORDER_DEFINITIONS ): """Get a function that returns the order per the mnemonic and section. Arguments: section (str): either 'well', 'params', 'curves', 'version' version (float): either 1.2 and 2.0 Keyword Arguments: order_definitions (dict): see source of for more information Returns: A function which takes a mnemonic (str) as its only argument, and in turn returns the order 'value:descr' or 'descr:value'. """ section_orders = order_definitions[version][section] default_order = section_orders[0] orders = {} for order, mnemonics in section_orders[1:]: for mnemonic in mnemonics: orders[mnemonic] = order return lambda mnemonic: orders.get(mnemonic, default_order)
[docs]def get_section_widths(section_name, items, version, order_func): """Find minimum section widths fitting the content in *items*. Arguments: section_name (str): either 'version', 'well', 'curves', or 'params' items (SectionItems): section items version (float): either 1.2 or 2.0 order_func (func): see :func:`lasio.writer.get_section_order_function` """ section_widths = {"left_width": None, "middle_width": None} if len(items) > 0: section_widths["left_width"] = max([len(i.original_mnemonic) for i in items]) middle_widths = [] for i in items: order = order_func(i.mnemonic) rhs_element = order.split(":")[0] logger.debug( "get_section_widths %s\n\torder=%s rhs_element=%s" % (i, order, rhs_element) ) middle_widths.append(len(str(i.unit)) + 1 + len(str(i[rhs_element]))) section_widths["middle_width"] = max(middle_widths) return section_widths